Monday, August 22, 2011

Tangled 2010 Blu ray DVD Combo

Tangled 2010 - Blu ray DVD Combo - 2 Disc

Tangled 2010 Blu ray DVD Combo

Tangled 2010 Blu ray DVD Combo

Rapunzel is Beautiful lovely girl !
2D Great Loved Story Funny Movie !

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Video Trailer of Tangled 2010 Blu ray DVD Combo
From Trailer Name : TANGLED from Disney - Sidekicks - Mandy Moore - On DVD & Blu-Ray

It's Very Funny Animation !
I like Tangled 2010 very much !

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Tangled 2010 Blu ray DVD Combo

Tangled 2010 Blu ray DVD Combo Details

Movie Name : Tangled 2010
Disc Type : Blu ray DVD Combo
Num Disc : 2 Disc
Format: Multiple Formats
Language: English, Spanish, French
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish
Region: Region A/1 Read more about DVD/Blu-ray formats.
Aspect Ratio: 1.77:1

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Tangled 2010 Blu ray DVD Combo Review

Tangled 2010 - Blu ray DVD Combo - 2 Disc Review

By D. Spach "IT Pro" (NC- USA) on August 22, 2011 - 3D BluRay version - AWESOME!

I first watched this movie with my kids in just plain 2D, and loved the story and thought it was great. When it came out in 3D BluRay, I just had to get it for the kids, and well the parents too...

The depth of the story in 3D is just phenomenal! We use Passive 3D (Vizio's new Cinema3D technology) which allows us to use the same 3D glasses you use in the theater, much cheaper. And I can't tell a difference in the display of 3D content, except it is not as dark looking as the Active 3D.

Back to the movie. It is excellent and if you have 3D, pay the extra for the 3D experience in this movie. It is like watching it come to life in the living room. The kids love the lantern scene where the lanterns seem to float into the room and the action is great as well. I personally find the depth of the picture so much deeper and it really pulls me into the scene. I just wish I had a larger screen... Someday!

Love the movie.

By patticakes1 on August 21, 2011 - Tangeled

I had taken my son who was 12, now 13 to see this in theaters and he was not happy about my choice, but we all really enjoyed the movie, and since it has arrived so quickly our whole family just loves the twist on the old story. It was warm, funny and entertaining. The music was wonderful and we all enjoyed the movie. Thanks

By David Bower (Houston, Texas, USA) on August 20, 2011 - New Art with the Traditional Disney Formula

First of all let me say the movie is pleasant and entertaining and one the kids will undoubtedly enjoy. All of the classic Disney elements are there, the lovely heroine, the awkward hero, the loveable sidekick, the fearful villain, and a sympathetic chorus of unlikely defenders. Disney re-mixes these familiar elements into a new concoction based on the Grimm's fairy tale of Rapunzel.

There is nice music and singing and plenty of humorous situations to delight the young and the young at heart. Disney has decided to update the dialogue to reflect current phrases and words that are very contemporary and up-to-date. While this may be engaging to the younger audience it imposes a timeframe which will date it before too long as language usage changes quickly.

If you have youngsters in the house this will be a winner.

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Rapunzel's Beautiful and Lovely Girl !

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