Sunday, August 21, 2011

Beauty and the Beast 1991 Blu Ray Five Disc Combo

Beauty and the Beast 1991 - Blu-ray 3D , Blu-ray , DVD , Digital Copy - Five Disc Combo

Beauty and the Beast 1991 Blu Ray Five Disc Combo

Beauty and the Beast 1991 Blu Ray Five Disc Combo

Best Item Collection !

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Movie Name : Beauty and the Beast 1991
Type : Blu-ray 3D , Blu-ray , DVD , Digital Copy - Five Disc Combo
Number Dics : 5 Disc
Format: AC-3, Animated, Dolby, DTS Surround Sound, Dubbed, Special Edition, Subtitled, 3D, Widescreen
Language: English
Subtitles: French, Spanish
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1

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Great Blu ray Collection !

Beauty and the Beast 1991 Blu Ray Five Disc Combo Review

Beauty and the Beast 1991 - Blu-ray 3D , Blu-ray , DVD , Digital Copy - Five Disc Combo Review

By Francisco Pizarro (Puerto Rico) on August 19, 2011 - The Pinnacle of Classic Animation Arrives on Blu-Ray

Everyone has a favorite Disney film. You know, the one you saw at one point in your life and stuck with you forever. Not to mention that there so many classics to choose from. For me that film is Beauty and the Beast. I start with that because if while reading this, I wax poetic about how this is the best of the Disney films and a work of genius while the reader is thinking "Well, its not Fantasia (or insert your favorite here) but its not bad." Please understand that the film is very close to my heart so it is hard for me to be objective.

The first and only hand animated film to be nominated for a best picture Academy Award, Beauty and the Beast is a major departure from the classic Disney formula, at least where the Disney Princesses are concerned. Belle is not your run of the mill damsel in distress, waiting to be saved by Prince Charming. While the setting of the film seems from a long time ago, this is a firmly modern main character, especially for a woman. Everything is turned on its head. Belle reads and thinks (a bad thing according to the villain in the film) and in her notion of marriage the relationship should be emotionally and intellectually stimulating. Not to mention equality. Not 20 minutes into the film our heroine makes a very hard act of self sacrifice to save her father (as opposed to fathers helping their daughters in other films, if they are there at all) and not long after that gets in trouble for her curiosity rather than her beauty (which is usually what gets princesses into trouble).

Her relationship with the Beast doesn't exactly "click" from the get go. They argue and fight (some of the best moments in the film)and while Beast does save her life at one point. It is Belle who saves him in the end, again turning a stereotype on its head. Of course, you can't get away with all these changes in tradition without something "Disney" to anchor the film and all this drama. The Fantasy element is very much present. Every secondary character that lives in the Beast's castle is some sort of stationary object. And you can't talk about a film like this and not mention the score and music that goes with it. The songs are all memorable in the best Disney tradition but the score, in my opinion, is one of the best ever by Disney. It perfectly complements the darkness of film. (Who would ever think you could use darkness and Disney in the same anything.)

Disney has so far done an outstanding job releasing its back catalog into Blu-Ray. The transfers so far have been pretty much perfect and this film is no exception. The colors look amazing and the detail is so remarkable that if you look closely you can see the pencil strokes in the drawn characters beneath the ink. It is that good. The only thing missing from this release is a digital copy. I'm having a hard time understanding the logic behind Disney's combo packs. Some include the digital copy, some don't. A little bit of consistency (preferably in the "included digital copy" department) would be greatly appreciated.

In closing, this is a must have release if you are a fan of Disney films. It is an incredible film. The transfer is awesome. The bonus features are plentiful. Despite lacking the digital copy, I highly recommend this release.

By G. Turnbull "Greg" (England) on August 17, 2011 - Outrageous Price!

This is a great film, but most Disney fans already bought the Video, then the 'Work in Progress' Laserdisc, then the feature on LD, then the DVD, then the Blu-Ray, etc. So now Disney decides to milk it's loyal fan base for all it can get: $45 for a re-release - outrageous. I for one will boycott ALL such Disney 3D titles over $30 and hope that they get the message and reduce them down to less than the cost of new 3D movies like Tangled, et al, and more in line with similar products from other studios. One good thing, at least the price of the "basic" 3 disc Blu-ray is great now - I'll stick with this one...

By Raychee on August 15, 2011 - WHY MUST THEY MAKE EVERYTHING I LOVE 3D?

This is ridiculous. 3D seems to invade all the things I hold near. Apparently it's attacking my childhood this time.

By LB on August 14, 2011 - Classic Disney at His Best!

This is a great classic Disney movie that should be on every DVD shelf. The musical score especially adds a lot to this film, and doesn't every girl at some point dream of having Belle's yellow dress?!

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WOW ! It's Great Classic Disney Movie !

Do you want to get it now !

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